Friday, March 23, 2012

Today's lecture will be on intrinsic and extrinsic materials. A video will be shown to illustrate the doping mechanism (please see the last video of Lecture 13-14 for the video). 

As for the tutorial 2 (chapter 2 and 3) / homework 2 (chapter 2 and 3), I will post the questions by tomorrow morning and the homework will be due this coming Wednesday (after tutorial 2).

At the end of today's class, the attendance will be collected and please indicate last column as the learning hours that you have spent based on Chapters 1, 2, and 3, respectively. For example Ch 1 (3 hours), Ch 2 (3 hours) and Ch 3 (3 hours).  The purpose of me collecting this information is to ensure you do study consistently and based on graded tutorials / homework I will be able to gauge whether you study effectively.

I also had spent the whole day yesterday (12 hours of grading) grading your tutorial 1 and I still have 10 students left to grade. I have also homework 1 to grade, which I will do this weekend please pick up the two graded work on Monday between 2-3 pm. The solutions will be posted in the glass display outside of my office/lab. As for the tutorial 2, we will discuss the solution in class; as for hwk 2 as soon as you turn in after tutorial class, I will post it outside my lab/office on Wednesday (28th March, 2012). Please scan your work so that you will be able to refer it for your Test 1 on Friday (30th March, 2012).


Due to the projector and microphone not available in the first half an hour, we managed to cover Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor in the second half of the lecture. Thank you to Vincent for helping me in calling the technician involved.

-Dr Tun Zainal-
2:25 pm, Saturday 24th March 2012


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