Friday, March 1, 2013

Dear Dr. Tun,
I recently found this video on IEEE's website, "Device vs Circuit Engineer". I think you might find this video interesting because experts talk about what's the difference between a Device Engineer vs a Circuits Engineer and they conform to your understanding of device and circuits.

The video is in support of what you have taught last semester for Electronics Device. One of the experts in the video mentioned that a device engineer is basically a physicists dealing with transistors on the atomic level while the  circuit engineer's job is to utilize these devices to form a working a circuit.
If you can't view the video, let me know. I managed to xxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx. I am more than happy to xxxx xx xxx xxx as supporting evidence that you were right in teaching the physics of devices last semester.
Enjoy! Have a nice day!

Bang Ming

Note: xxx means it is private


  1. I like Lego, therefore I go for electronic circuits ;)

  2. Good listener ... you can catch that analogy!
